Silly 2-year-old Mishaps
You have to laugh at all the ways Luke manages to cause mishaps.
When Luke took a bath the other day, in only about 2 inches of water, I went in the other room for a minute. In that small amount of time, Luke managed to use his little bucket to dump over half the water in the tub onto the bathroom floor. He flooded it so well that it soaked into the hall carpet and dripped into the basement!
Yesterday he helped himself to the toilet paper. He unrolled about 1/3 of the roll and shredded it into tiny pieces all over the bathroom floor. Earlier today he stuffed half the roll into the toilet. I managed to pull most of it out before he tried to flush it.
He got into my makeup the other day. The funny thing is that he tried to apply it just like I do. He used the makeup sponge and smeared foundation all over his cheeks and chin. He actually did a decent job and didn't waste very much at all!
He loves to get into the refrigerator and help himself to whatever looks good, even if he doesn't know what it is. He hands me salad dressing all the time. In the past 2 days he has dumped 2 containers of yogurt all over the kitchen floor. Today he brought me the jar of dill pickles. We even have a 'child proof' latch on the door. Right... He just yanks hard until the door pops open!
He certainly keeps us on our toes!
Learning can be such fun at that age and so messy at the same time! Ain't it great!
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