Very Busy at Our House
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated my blog. We've all been sick, and when the kids are napping, I've had to nap, too. I've had a sinus infection for a week now and am ready for it to be gone. I've had some of the most horrible headaches this past week... the kind that make me dizzy and nauseous.
I took Luke to the doctor on Friday for an ear infection; then I went on Saturday; and I had to take Lexie on Monday. She had it the worst: an ear and eye infection. Her eyes were oozing so badly that she woke up several times with her eyes gooped completely shut! It was so sad... she just looked pathetic with those red, swollen eyes and all that yellow crusty stuff in her eyelashes. Poor baby!
Now that the 3 of us are starting to feel better, Marty is feeling a bit stuffy and achy.
Luke keeps us on our toes, though. He's into climbing everything, and I mean everything! He climbs onto all dressers, desks, the dining room hutch, the bathroom counter... the list goes on and on. And his latest feat is dragging a dining room chair around the house to climb up on to reach whatever he wants. Yikes!
I sure will be glad when we're all healthy again and the weather stays warm. I'll keep that busy little boy occupied with long walks and playing at the park.
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