Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pops Got the Stroller!

Marty's dad ordered us the double stroller yesterday for Christmas! How cool is that?!! Thanks, Pops! What a blessing! It was truly a dream gift for me. I'm hoping it will make life with 2 small children that much easier, especially since I plan to do a lot of walking throughout the summer; it's so cool to be having a spring baby!

Pops wanted to make sure that I let everyone know the stroller was taken care of so no one else ordered it as well, and then had to deal with shipping it back.

How about this weather? We're enjoying a good snow and just having quality family time. If it wasn't such a wet snow, I'd take Luke outside. He's never really touched the snow and keeps looking out the window... he seems fascinated. Maybe we'll go outside for just a few minutes. The snow should keep up all afternoon and through the night, so we may really be snowed in!


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