Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mastitis, again!

Well, I've got Mastitis again. Although I don't feel quite as back overall as I did last time, my right breast sure is painful! It's the same side as last time. I don't know how I keep getting this and ending up with all those clogged ducts. Thank God I got on the antibiotic right away. After 5 doses I'm really starting to feel better.

Please pray for my head, though. I've been getting really bad migraines and sinus pressure that is making me dizzy and nauseous. I'm not sure if it's my neck that's out of whack, if it's my allergies, or simply a result of too much heat outside. I am getting tested for food allergies this week to rule out a couple of things. It's a 2-part test, so I'll go in Tuesday and again on Friday from 2-4 pm. They also need to see if I'm allergic to glycerin since I reacted so badly to allergy shots last year. I hope to start the shots up again after all the testing is complete. Please pray that I'll find some relief from all my allergies and that the shots will help quickly.


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