A Blessed Easter & Cardboard Testimonies
Marty decided to attend the Good Friday service at the Dayton Vineyard on Friday at 7 pm. I stayed home with the kiddos since it was close to their bedtimes; they wouldn't have done well in the nursery that late. After he got home, he said it was a really great service, so we decided to attend their Saturday evening Easter service with my parents.
Even though Luke didn't do well in the nursery -- he seemed insecure since it was a new place for him -- we really enjoyed the service and got to re-connect with so many people we hadn't seen in way too long. The most powerful part of the service was at the end, when about 15 people walked across the stage displaying their cardboard testimonies while a worship song was being played.
Cardboard Testimonies: this is a person's testimony written on a sheet of cardboard as a sign for all to read. The front is where you were BC or Before Christ, and the 2nd side is where you are now: AD or After Christ. I hope that makes sense....
As people walked across the stage, they'd stop and display their 'Before Christ' for about 10 seconds, then flip their sign to show where they are now as a new person in Christ. They were so moving! It was an amazing way for many people to give brief and powerful testimonies! One that comes to mind is a person's sign that said 'Addicted' on one side, and 'FREE' on the other. Such a simple yet impactful testimony!
The last one was a man whose sign said "Struggled with Infertility for 2 1/2 years". Then when the husband flipped the sign over to display "Now the proud parents of TWINS!", the mom walked up there with these 2 darling 2 year old girls. It brought tears to my eyes!
After the service, Marty grabbed a piece of cardboard and said he had to give his testimony on Sunday, especially since so many unbelievers would probably be attending. At first, I wasn't so sure if what he wanted to say was appropriate. But when Marty explained that he knew with a doubt that God wanted to work through him, all I could do was support his decision.
Easter Sunday, Marty went to the Vineyard at the end of the first service while I finished getting the kids ready. When I got there at 10, my mom was leaving, so she took Luke home with her. Marty said it was a moving experience to walk up there with his cardboard testimony, and asked if I'd walk up there too once he flipped his board over, carrying the baby, at the end of the 2nd service. So, here's what we did:
After about 20 people walked up onto stage, they let Marty go last. He walked up there with his sign. Here's what Marty's Before Christ was:
"Pressured my girlfriend to have an abortion."
Then he flipped over his sign to show where he is in Christ right now:
"FORGIVEN. Husband, Father, Worship Leader".
Then I walked up on stage carrying Lexie.
That had an impact like you wouldn't believe. People started standing and clapping. We both had tears in our eyes. I kept thinking, "We don't deserve this." It was so powerful and humbling!
As we walked out, so many people were smiling and thanking us for sharing. Then the pastors asked us if we could stay and do it again for the 3rd service. So, since Luke was with my mom, and we just had the baby, it was a very easy decision to stay.
After walking up onto that stage and sharing Marty's testimony for the 3rd time, the results were just amazing. We witnessed at least 10 people gave their lives to Christ for the first time! I believe that everyone's testimonies were so real that they had a real impact on those who didn't know the Lord!
As we were standing out in the lobby, a single mom named Jessica, thanked us for sharing what we did. She sad she needed to hear that, and just gave her life to Christ! How amazing is that?!! Just like that, God demonstrated how he can use Marty and I to reach the lost. There were several thousand people at all 3 services. I believe we definitely reached many people yesterday. Hopefully, those that are still unbelievers are at least thinking of Jesus and his forgiveness in a whole new way.
We just thank you Lord for dying for our sins!!!
From here on out, Marty and I now know that God wants to use us at the Dayton Vineyard. So many unbelievers and seekers come through those doors... we need to be there for them. And we need to maintain all those relationships we established years ago at that church. It felt just like coming home!
Nothing feels better than following God's will for your life!
That was such a blessing > Thank You for sharing that and just think of the lives that can turn around because of truth and a simple piece of cardboard> sami
What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. That was couragous of him to do that and you to support him.
I miss hanging out with you guys. I'm kind of hating life right now with starting a new job and finishing my old one at the same time. But it'll be worth it once the school year is over. We need to get together before the girls start kindergarten!
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