Luke weighs 15 lbs 1 oz!
Luke went for his 4 week checkup this week and is just over 15 pounds. He's below averge in length, only 24 1/2 inches. But he's above average in weight and head circumference: 43 cm! He's now officially in size 2 diapers.
He's perfectly healthy. He laughs and coos and carries on adorable conversations with us. He so precious! The only issues are ingrown toenails on his big toes and dry skin with slight exzema. Aveeno baby lotion and cortizone should do the trick.
He also got his second round of immunizations... 4 shots: two in each thigh. Poor baby. Boy, did he scream! We gave him a dose of baby tylenol and fed him right before heading to the pediatrician, so he fell asleep on the way home and slept for several hours. His thigh did get really red again from that tetanus shot, but between my mom, dad, sister and I, we were able to settle him down that evening when he was really hurting.
Last night he only slept for a 6 hour stretch, but the previous 2 nights he slept 9 and 10 hour stretches! It's so wonderful to have him sleeping well. When he woke up last night at 5:45, I gave him a 5 ounce bottle and he went right back to sleep and slept until 9:45! What a nice blessing for my day off work.
Both my jobs are going well. I enjoy my 3-4 hours at a time out of the house focusing on stuff other than the baby. But boy, do I miss him after a couple of hours; I'm always so happy to see luke once I get back home! It really helps me treasure the time I do have with him even more.
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