Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lexie's 6 month checkup

Lexie went for her 6 month checkup the other day. She now weighs 16 pounds and is 25 1/4" long. (Luke was 17 pounds at this age.) She's in the 50th percentile so she's perfectly average. She's very healthy and only reacted a little bit to this round of vaccinations with a mild fever.

The only problem we're having is with eating solid food. She hates it. I've tried to feed her rice cereal and baby applesause every couple of days for the last several weeks, and so far she doesn't want anything to do with it.

She makes the most disgusted faces, gags, and clamps her mouth shut tight so I can't get any more food in. You'd think I was torturing her! The pediatrician said to keep trying every 2-3 days and she'll eventually get used to it.

I sure hope she does, because at this age Luke was loving the cereal and fruit and veggies, although he is much pickier now.


At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Belle starting loving everything and now she's being more picky. If she sees yogurt on the table for her, she won't eat anything else bc she wants the yogurt.

Just keep trying... maybe try a different fruit? Or let her play with the spoon before she eats? She's bound to like it someday!!

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Skerrib said...

It took Reese some time to warm up to the food too. We did the same thing...just kept trying (different tastes, textures, temperatures, etc.), and then one day he suddenly loved food.

I know a mom who had success with some all-natural fruit leather stuff. I've never tried it, so who knows!


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