Saturday, October 25, 2008

Some Ideas for Temper Tantrums

I was reading the local website and found this great advice for handling temper tantrums when your toddler or pre-schooler wants his way:

"Attention tantrums are special performances that keep parents involved in trying to stop the unwanted behavior. If parents try to ignore this type of tantrum, it usually escalates it, while nagging the child to stop gives negative attention, which is a payoff. Instead, tell children that you can't understand them when they talk or act that way. Give them a specific suggestion for how you want them to get your attention in a positive way. Reassure them that when they calm down, you will pay attention to them. Then, if you ignore the tantrum, it will work. When the child says or does anything calmly or in an appropriate way, respond respectfully. The child will soon find that tantrums will cause the parent to withdraw attention, rather than get more involved."

This makes sense to me. I'll try it with Luke the next time and let you all know how it goes.


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