Thursday, March 01, 2007

Luke is Getting on a Regular Schedule

I'm so relieved that Luke is on more of a schedule this week. The past 2 nights he has gone to bed at 8:00 pm, which is really quite nice. I now get a little time to myself in the evening. Tuesday night, he woke up at 3 am and was really hungry, but then he slept until 9:00 am! Last night, he actually slept 11 hours and didn't wake up until 7:00 am. Woohoo!

He's getting his first nap of the day about 2 hours after waking, which is usally around 9:30. Then his second nap ends up being about 2 hours after he wakes from the first one. Thank you, Melinda and Anya, for both recommending Dr. Weissbluth's book 'Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.' It really makes sense, has helped me understand Luke better, and is really working for us. I highly recommend it to anyone who's pregnant or has recently had a baby, and there are lots of you out there in that second category. At one time while I was pregnant, I knew 9 other people who were pregnant too, most of whom were expecting their first baby like me!

I'm also excited because Marty and I are going to attend the Weekend to Remember marriage conference this weekend at the Dayton Marriott. We went a few years ago and it really helped our marriage, brought us closer to God and closer to one another. My parents are keeping Luke from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon; I'm really going to miss him, but it will be a nice romantic weekend home alone with my hubby.


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