Friday, February 02, 2007

No More Rice Cereal for Awhile

We had a little scare this evening. Around 7:30 pm we gave Luke a 4 ounce bottle with about a tablespoon of rice cereal in it, which had been recommended by the pediatrician. About 20 minutes later he was just sitting in his bouncy seat happily playing with his toys. All of a sudden he started coughing and choking. We thought he'd be okay, but then no sound was coming out and he actually started to turn blue! Marty grabbed him out of the chair and I quickly threw him face down across my arm and whacked him on the back a couple of times. He coughed up a whole bunch of milk and some clumps which I think were cereal. It seems as if he must have spit up and then inhaled it. Once he started crying we were so relieved. It brought back horrible memories of him being resucitated after he was born.

Thank God he's okay. I've been a little paranoid to put him down the rest of the evening.

He's also started rolling from his back to his stomach, so we have to keep flipping him onto his back when he's in his crib for the night. He's been rolling from his stomach to his back since he was a week old, but it's as if he gets confused in his crib in the dark and forgets how to flip back. He just cries, and when we go in there, he's laying face down.

Please pray that he'll stay safe and that I won't get overly paranoid about needing to check on him constantly.


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's scary! I was talking to some friends this weekend - one is trained in childcare and she said that that's a big no-no. It's something that people used to do, but now they advise against it. Of course, I have one friend who recently gave her little girl rice cereal and she's doing just fine... she sleeps better. It seems like everyone has a different opinion on everything though! You should just do what you feel is right and works for Luke.

BTW, I went to Kathys this weekend and picked up my ticket for the scrapbooking day! I'm looking forward to it!


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