We've all been sick
EArly last week, Marty and I were fighting off colds. It didn't get too bad, and we were feeling better by Wednesday or so. Then on Thursday, Luke came down with a bad cold and had it much worse than we did.
He's been so congested; he can hardly breathe through his nose at all. When he sneezes... watch out! Snot goes everywhere! He fusses off and on, in between laughing and playing with his toys. He's been in surprisingly good spirits, considering. But in the evening, he just cries and cries. We figure he must feel worse at night.
The pediatrician's office recommended the vaporizer, saline nose spray, and letting him sleep upright. He's too young for a decongestant, so we've been giving him baby tylenol once or twice a day. He's been sleeping in his bouncy seat, and we put it in his crib so he can still see his little aquarium that plays the soft music while he falls asleep. Getting him to sleep has been tricky the last few nights, but fortunately, he's been sleeping throught he night between 8-10 hours while sick. We're very grateful for that!
Then yesterday, I woke up feeling especially cruddy. I'm stuffed up, achy, tired and have a bad sore throat. I didn't sleep well last night and hope to get to bed early tonight. The good news is that Luke is breathing much better today. Marty is off for President's Day, so Luke gets to hang out with daddy while I'm working at the church and teaching this evening at Clark State.
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