Friday, November 02, 2007

Not Much Happening Here

Well, my laptop is on the fritz, so it's in the shop. Actually, a friend's husband is working on it for me. Please pray that he can fix it; it's a Mac, so it could be expensive. That is why I haven't updated my blog lately. I feel lost without my laptop.

Anyways, Luke is still thinking about walking. He'll take a couple of steps, decide it's not very practical, then drops to his knees to crawl again. He's pretty fast, too. His latest experiment is crawling backwards, which he seems to get a kick out of.

He now has 6 teeth. While we were waiting for the other 2 top teeth to come in, 2 more bottom teeth snuck in and the other top ones still haven't broken through. He's drooling everywhere and fussing a lot, so I'll be glad when all 8 are in.

I've been doing some freelance design for a small graphic design studio in Mason; it's owned by a former student of mine and it's a Christian company, which is awesome. I can't do any design, though, without my laptop, so please pray that I get it back quickly, and then that I'll get steady design work each week. Steadfast Studios thinks they can give me about 15 hours of work a week, which is a true blessing! I've already worked on 2 jobs and look forward to more. It's so nice to be paid again to be creative!

I will also get to teach again Winter Quarter at Clark State. I'll have Art 112, which is pastel drawing; it's the same class I taught last year so that will be nice. They think they can give me a second art class as well. God sure is taking care of us!

They wanted me to teach Spring Quarter as well, but with the new baby due April 21, that won't work. Hopefully, I'll be able to teach again Summer Quarter.

That's all for now!


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