Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Lousy Day

Yesterday was just a bad day for me, both emotionally and physically. My head felt like crud, my lower abdomen was very sore with tons of pressure, plus I felt extremely irritable. It was one of those days when it worked out best for me to just stay home and not interact with people. I wasn't even up for going to our new small group. I just was perturbed, to put it kindly, at everything and everyone, for no reason whatsoever, and I didn't want to risk biting someone's head off.

Thank God I was able to sleep for both of Luke's naps yesterday, which helped a lot physically. (And he was such a little sweetie that it made getting through the day easier.) The emotional crud wasn't gone until I woke up this morning. (Crazy pregnancy hormones!) Marty thanked me for warning him I was in a bad mood, but I know I snapped at my poor mother before I realized it.

Since Lexie is measuring big, maybe she can arrive a couple of weeks early so I can be done with being pregnant a little sooner. Is that terrible to say?


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Sara M. said...

Wow - you sound like me! I hated being pregnant the second & third time. I was so happy to finally feel those contractions & see those sweet little faces.


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