Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lexie is Back to Soy Formula

We ended up switching Lexie back to soy formula. Since we tried the Enfamil Gentlease she's been spitting up a lot... almost to the point of throwing up. I'm hoping that with the gas drops she'll do better with the soy than she did 2 weeks ago. Plus, that might've been enough time for her digestive system to mature a little bit.

Thanks to everyone who has shared what worked for them when their babies had thrush. It's been a huge help. The lactation consultants at Kettering have been awesome, too. One of them even called my doctor to discuss the importance of getting me a 2 week course of diflucan to knock out my infection. Apparently, Dr. Banias tried to call that in, but my insurance company would only approve 3 does instead of 14. Go figure. But, he's planning to call United Healthcare directly on Monday and personally ask them to approve it for me. How about that? Please pray that it happens so we can knock out the infection in my milk ducts so I don't reinfect Lexie.

By the way, the thrush in her mouth is almost completely gone already since her infection was topical. She's definitely doing much better!


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Skerrib said...

I hate dealing with insurance shtuff! Your doctor sounds fantastic.

I hope the soy formula helps...mamas know best what works for their kiddos. =)


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