Monday, May 12, 2008

A Very Fussy Baby

Lexie has had a very rough time today. She's been really fussy, if not downright screaming, off and on all day, especially this evening. The only thing that has helped her is laying her across our laps and patting her back very firmly. That's where she is at the moment (11:00 pm), and I'm praying she'll calm down and go to sleep soon.

She's also been cluster feeding today, which has left me in a bit of pain from all that nursing. To give myself a break, I've been supplementing with both soy formula and pumping when I can. I'm guessing it's a growth spurt. Today she was hungry at 2:00 am, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, and every hour and a half to 2 hours all day long. So... you can add sleep deprivation to the mix.

I'm hanging in there, but have had a very emotional day. Yes, I'm still hormonal and cried a lot. I did manage to get a 1 hour nap while Luke was napping and Lexie had actually fallen asleep. (Maybe since she didn't sleep much today she'll sleep longer tonight!) Thank God Marty took over once he got home. I needed a break from the baby and got to spend some quality time with Luke. Poor guy, he gets neglected when Lexie is so needy. (I've been told that's a girl for you.)

With all the rain, Luke has been going stir crazy. He wants to play outside so badly. So, this afternoon, he played in the back yard for about an hour, then we took a walk in the stroller, then we walked around the block with him walking, then we played out back again after dinner. I'm hoping that he'll sleep good tonight after all that exercise. It also did me a world of good emotionally to sit outside in the sun.

I still appreciate everyone keeping Lexie and I in your prayers! (By the way, Lexie finally fell asleep... thank the Lord!)


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Skerrib said...

Oooh, what a hard day. I'm so glad she finally went to sleep.


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