A very Grumpy Baby (again!)
Just when we thought Lexie was doing better... she had a bad screaming episode last night. For about an hour and a half, she screamed really hard. It sure seemed like she was in pain. I had changed her, fed her, given gas drops and zantac, biccyled her legs to help get the gas out, and nothing seemed to help. I eventually had to swaddle her tightly, give her the binky and bounce her in her bouncy seat until she fell asleep. Then, she woke up happy. Go figure. I'm guessing it was gas.
Then today, she's just feen fussy off and on... more fussy than happy. I'm definitely worn out. I managed to nap an hour while she slept. Thank God Luke still naps at least 2 hours!
Please pray for my health. I'm fighting off a sore throat and am generally feeling run down and very tired. Gotta go put a tired toddler to bed now...
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