Lexie is Simply a Fussy Baby
The poor girl must have an upset tummy a lot of the time. She fusses off and on all day, and then a lot in the evenings. That is when she does her outright screaming a few times a week. The only things that soothe her are holding her upright against your shoulder and bouncing up and down, or laying her face down on your lap and firmly patting her back. At least she usually settles down.
And she wants to be held all the time, which is why I'm having an increasingly difficult time updating this blog and just checking email. You should see my house! Dishes and laundry are getting done, but picking up the clutter and vacuuming regularly have fallen by the wayside. Oh well... I'm just doing what I can and trying not to stress about the rest.
A friend is going to lend me her Baby Bjorn front carrier, which will really be a blessing. Lexie hates the sling I have to wear her in... she hates having her legs scrunched up in there and will scream unless she's in the upright position. She's only 6 weeks old and already giving us a taste of being very high maintenance. My mom and sister said, "That's a girl for you!"
Lexie's Thrush is gone in her mouth, but I'm still treating both of us with Nystatin so I don't reinfect her when nursing. The yeast infection in my milk ducts is much more difficult to clear up, but at least it's no longer painful to nurse. Thank you everyone who prayed about this!
Lexie is sleeping a little better at night. She's still up 2-3 times to eat, but will usually go right back to sleep afterwards, thank God! Now if we can just get rid of one of those night-time feedings...
When Alya was 6 weeks old, she was very fussy too... But the older she got, the easier it was. By one she was one the easiest babies I ever saw, and it's getting even better now. My point is... don't give up just yet. Girls can be very easy (and so much fun!), and there's a relly big chance Lexie will outgrow this fussy stage and will be a very easy baby from then on :)
Hooray for babywearing! I'm told it works wonders for the higher-need kiddos...but I'm a fan of it for anyone.
Amber, I feel your pain. Isabelle is high-need baby. The Baby Bjorn did wonders and we still use it! I think we started around 5 weeks old. She won't let us sit down in it - you have to stand or keep walking or she'll fuss. Now that it's nice out that's really helping. She can get out and see the world. Isabelle would fuss and still does if she wants to do something different, but she is better. She can hold her attention span longer. But, she still keeps her eyes on us. We started using the Gentlease formula and it's working well - I still nurse about half of the time.
Funny story - my sitter is scared to have a second baby in case she's like Isabelle. Guess her baby was easy! Ha. But, we love her more than anything!
Take Care - It will get better with time!!
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