Monday, March 05, 2007

Luke has Baby Bronchitis

Our poor baby sounds terrible, but I don't think he feels too badly except at night. It started with a cold that has settled into his chest. He's coughing and wheezing a bit, but fortunately it's not severe and he doesn't have a fever. Since it's a virus, there is no medication to help him get better quickly. The pediatrician gave him a breathing treatment on Friday, but it didn't seem to help much. He sounds awful when he coughs, but he's in pretty good spirits, considering. He wakes up a couple times at night because he can hardly breathe and has snot all over his nose and face. I'm very grateful for the bulb syringe to suction him out. He's so darling, though, smiling at me through all the mucus on his sweet little face!

Please pray that his lungs and sinuses will clear, especially at night, and that he'll get over the cough quickly.

We did survive the weekend without Luke while my parents had him. We missed him terribly, but it wasn't unbearable. The Family Life 'Weekend to Remember' was awesome! Marty and I highly recommend it for every married couple. It's a wonderful way to re-focus on each other, God and the priorities for your family. We're going to try to go every year.


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