Friday, February 29, 2008

A Rough Day on Thursday

I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions off and on for the last 6-8 weeks. They're just a little annoying, but no big deal. Until yesterday. Throughout the day they were getting more and more painful and were coming every 10-15 minutes. The big concern, though, was that I was getting dizzy and lightheaded after each one and really didn't feel right.

I finally called the OB mid-afternoon, who said to drink as much water as I could and lay down. Then, if I had more than 6 contractions an hour to head to Labor and Delivery at Kettering. My sister came over to stay with me and help with Luke, so I told Marty to head to his evening job since it's right down the street; and I'd call if I needed him to come home.

The water and lying down really helped. I was still in some pain throughout the evening, but it was more from Lexie shifting position, jumping and punching and kicking me. The bottom line is that I'm okay. The contractions have stopped.

Then, Luke felt warm and was fussy, so we gave him tylenol at 5:00 pm. 2 hours later his fever was 101.8, so I waited until 9 to give the next dose. By 9:30, his fever was up to 102.4 and I was getting concerned. He was so miserable, flushed and fussing.

The on-call pediatrician said to switch him to Motrin, which seemed to help. She said the crying was a good sign... at least he wasn't lethargic. She also said we didn't need to bring him to the ER unless his fever got close to 104.

He slept through the night with the occasional crying, but he settled himself back down. At 1:15 Friday mom and I are taking him to the doctor to see if he might have an ear infection. His fever was way down when he woke up; only 99.5.

Poor baby. He's so miserable! And Marty and I are supposed to go to our marriage conference starting this evening. Luke will be staying with my parents. Please keep us all in your prayers that everything will be fine!


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