Wednesday, April 09, 2008

We're Inducing Monday Night

Well, Lexie is 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long already. We've decided to go ahead and induce, and several factors influenced that decision. At the ultrasound we discovered that the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is on the low side, which isn't dangerous yet, but could become so. Her head is way down there, so she's in position. I don't know how dilated I am at this point; Dr. Banias doesn't usually check this because he said it's no indication of when I might go into labor and would just be very uncomfortable for me.

I was relieved to discover that Lexie's head circumference is 32 cm; Luke's was 35.5 cm, and he got very stuck! Thank you, God, that Lexie has a smaller head!

We head to Kettering Labor & Delivery Monday night at 9:00 pm. This is so I can try to sleep through the early stages of labor before the contractions become stronger. Dr. Banias said Lexie will be born on tax day! (Just like Eli!) In case things move along quickly, Dr. Banias even said he'd much rather be called in to deliver at 4:00 am than at 9:00 pm; he must be a morning person.

Also, my blood pressure was so high today that I was dizzy and light-headed off and on all day. At the doctor's, it was 160 over 90 at first; then after 10 minutes of making me lie down on my left side it was 143 over 80... still much higher than my usual 120 over 70. I also need to keep an eye on the swelling which is getting worse by the day, and I need to try to drink my 8 liters of water each day to keep me and Lexie hydrated.

My hips hurt so bad that I can hardly walk; my right hip pops with every step I take, so Dr. Banias told me to try not to walk as much as possible. All I can do is lie on the couch like a big vegetable! I've also managed to strain my lower back simply due to all the weight I'm carrying out front.

I'm not supposed to pick up Luke at all. Thank God for lots of people around to help with him, because I am absolutely miserable physically. Is there anyone who might be able to help me out with Luke this Friday from 10ish until Marty gets home at 3:00 pm? Or even just until Luke goes in for a nap around noon or 1? I've got all the other days covered until I'm induced.

Being pregnant has certainly been rough on this 41-year-old body!


At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know you're ready! You and the rest of the fam are in the Houghs' prayers!


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