Luke has bypassed the Duct Tape
Well, the duct tape is no longer working as a way to keep Luke's diaper on. He pulls off his pants, then carefully pushes his entire diaper down his legs and simply steps out of it like it's a pair of underpants, with the duct tape still intact.
The only thing I can think of now is putting some one-piece jammies on him backwards so that they zip in the back. Then he can't unzip them, right? Do they make these for 2-year-olds without feet?
What should I try now?
Hi Amber - new to your blog, but not to your dilemma! We had the same problem when our Dreamer was 1 year or so! I cut the feet out of the jammies and used nice soft ribbing to make new feet - like the ones on snug-a-bye p.j.'s with the double fold that you can either roll over the toes or leave open and use socks with and than she wore her jammies backwards until she decided that she would leaver her jammies on. It took about 6 months and by than she was toilet trained and it was warm enough that if she did get into her birthday suit, it wasn't as big a deal!
It's nice to visit your blog!
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