Pre-Term Labor Scare
We ended up in Labor & Delivery on Tuesday evening with strong contractions that were coming every 5-7 minutes. After close monitoring and medication to relax and calm my uterus, they finally began to slow down. At least I don't seem to be dilating past 1 cm, which means it's not pre-term labor.
Lexie and I are hanging in there. The contractions are still coming off and on, but only 3-4 times an hour, and they're not nearly as painful as they were on Tuesday. The doctor said to rest as much as I can, and that we don't need to worry unless they get back up to 10-12 an hour. (Some of them still hurt and Lexie really likes to kick hard, so I'm a bit sore!)
Dr. Banias gave me medication to take at bedtime (one that is safe for the baby) to help me (and my uterus) relax so I can get a good night's sleep... something that I haven't had in several weeks now. (Thank God for naps!)
Our goal is to keep Lexie from arriving for at least another 2 1/2 weeks; by then her lungs should be mature enough for delivery at 37 weeks. Please pray for her not to make her appearance before then.
We do have one more ultrasound scheduled for this Wednesday afternoon, March 19. They want to check her size, since Lexie's been measuring 25% larger than average, as well as the fluid that's building above my cervix.
Thanks so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Apparently, Lexie is just ready to make her debut!
Boy your kids sure like making themselves known early...didn't you have some sort of early contractions with Luke too? They are just so excited to get out. =)
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