Trying to Wait Patiently
Just to let you know... now that I'm off work for the next few months, it will be tricky to check email regularly. (It's all I can do to take care of stuff around the house, rest and keep up with Luke.) The best way to reach me these days is definitely by phone.
The weight of my uterus is making me miserable. If I sit too long, my huge belly cuts off the circulation to and from my legs, which makes me lightheaded. If I stand too long, my lower back and hips really hurt. The only position that gives relief is to lie on my side, which is tricky with a toddler running around. Luke has been really good about playing around me and bringing me books to read to him; he's such a sweet boy! And of course, thank God for naps!
Lexie can come anytime now that I'm 37 1/2 weeks along. She's one big, very heavy girl. She is still incredibly active and keeps trying to stick various appendages out my sides! She's especially busy at night when I try to go to sleep. I think she's getting me ready for when I'll need to feed her every 3-4 hours. Just when I get her to settle down and get comfortable, I have to go to the bathroom! Needless to say I'm not sleeping very well at night.
I see the doctor tomorrow, and our last ultrasound will be next Wednesday. They want to see how big she is and whether we'll need to induce. Both doctors say that if it appears she'll be 9-10 pounds, they'll probably want to induce at week 39. Since Lexie was 6 pounds 3 weeks ago, and she'll gain 1/2 - 1 pound a week in her final 6 weeks, we estimate that she's already at least 7 1/2 pounds! (Luke was 7 lbs 1 oz.) I am more than ready to deliver, and I believe she is, too.
Please pray that I'll go into labor on my own and that we'll have a smooth, quick delivery with no complications. I also appreciate prayers for little or no post-partum issues like those I had after Luke was born.
So... I'm simply praying a lot for Lexie, and trying to rest and keep up with Luke. He seems to be getting over his cold, but is dealing with some more teeth coming in. Thank God for my mom stopping by a lot to help me out. She takes Luke for a walk or to the park almost every day. (He loves to go outside and I feel bad I can't take him for walks right now.) Mom's even been doing my laundry so I don't have to go up and down the basement stairs. Thanks mom!
Ethan was 9 pounds 7 ounces, and his delivery was no harder than my other two (7lb 3oz & 7lb 7oz).
Just try to wait until God says it's time for her to be born! I'll be praying that it happens before the doctors want to induce.
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