Things are Good
Things are going well in our household. I'm still hoping to get the baby on a more consistent feeding schedule. Even when I feed her at 9:30 pm, Lexie still insists on eating around midnight or 1 and 5 or 6 am, but at least I'm getting 5 hour increments of sleep now. Believe me, every extra hour really helps!
During the day, she's such a happy baby now. It's a total 180 from her first 2 months of life. She's so silly and laughs a lot at her brother's antics! She loves to talk, squeal and just hear herself make loud noises... she's a lot of fun!
Luke is darling now that he's talking more. Getting rid of his binky had 2 huge benefits: he talks up a storm now, and he's eating much better. Apparently sucking on that binky was satisfying him orally so he wasn't eating well.
His current favorite (and adorable) phrases: "I non't know!" (I don't know); "Marney" (Barney); "Graash!" (as he points out a garage); "Sanother graash!" (There's another garage!). He has quite the fascination with garages and points them out whether we're walking or in the car, and he yells extra loud if the garage door is up; he wants them all closed! A little bit OCD? I'm afraid so.
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