The Importance of a Set Bedtime
Well, we've learned the hard way how important it is to keep Luke on schedule for bedtime. Saturday evening we watched my sister's kids at her house from 6 - 11 pm. We tried so hard to get Luke to sleep on the floor in a dim room, but no luck. He really needs to go to sleep in his own crib. He cried off and on for about an hour and a half, and I had to nurse him to sleep; he was finally out by 10:15. Then, of course, we had to wake him up to get him in the car seat to take him home. Then he was up around 3:00 am and wouldn't go back to sleep without eating.
He was all out of sorts on Sunday, fussed a lot and didn't take very long naps. After being cranky all afternoon, he was out cold and asleep by 7:30 pm. But then he was up at midnight and again at 6:00 am. (He usually sleeps from 8:00 or 8:30 pm until about 7:00 am, and only occasionally wakes up to eat in the middle of the night.) I was so tired today. But at least he had more regular naps and was in bed by 8:30 pm.
I realize now how important it is for Luke to have a quiet couple of hours at home before bedtime. We put on his jammies, read a book, eat, and then go to bed. He does really well with this routine and needs to go to bed in his crib and without too much activity or stimulation before hand.
We usually do his bath in the morning, because he really hates to have a bath when he's either tired or hungry. It works out best right after his cereal in the morning, because he usually has that rice crusted all over his face, head and hands!
When he isn't cranky and gets enough sleep, he sure is a lot of fun. His favorite activity is standing on your lap while you hold his hands and he jumps up and down and squeals and laughs! The coolest thing is that now, when I come home from work, he reaches his arms out to me so I can pick him up; then he squeals and buries his face in my neck and hugs me! He's so excited to see me, it's awesome! The best feeling in the world!