True Vine Design
Welcome to my site! I create one-of-a-kind beaded jewelry which makes a great unique gift. I like to write about my latest jewelry designs, my family, and life in general. Thanks for visiting!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Marty didn't get the promotion
Marty didn't get the Head Custodian position at Enon Elementary. Another guy put in for the position, and since he has 16 years with the school district, seniority won out. So... Marty will remain the Night Custodian at Hustead Elementary. He's on 2nd shift until the end of May, then he'll be working days while school is out for the summer. In the fall, he'll go back to 2nd shift. We figure that this must be God's plan for Marty, especially since neither Head Custodian position worked out due to circumstances that had nothing to do with Marty's job performance. In fact, they all keep praising him for being such a hard worker.
Thanks for all your prayers for our family!
Luke is Creeping Along
Luke is now mobile! Instead of actually crawling, he scootches along on his belly and pulls himself forward with his arms. He's pretty quick, too. He's so aware of his surroundings that he'll get across the room in a second if he sees something interesting he'd like to grab. He's also learned to push himself up to a sitting position from lying on his stomach. I think we're going to have to lower his crib mattress now. He's been trying to pull himself up to standing already, even though he only made it up to a high kneeling position. He's a very busy little boy who's going to be into everything! We're having a lot of fun with our darling boy!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A Great Mother's Day
I just want to take the time to thank God for my precious little baby Luke. I feel so blessed to have him as part of our family!
We're all doing pretty good at the Nichols household. Luke had a cold last week but is doing a lot better now. Luke sits up like a champ and lunges forward and lands on his belly to reach his toys. He can drag himself in circles by his arms. In fact, he keeps getting up on his hands and knees and rocking; he's so close to crawling! He's a very happy baby. He seems to have inherited his dad's silly goofy sense of humor; we have so much fun with him!
Please pray for Marty's job. He has an opportunity at the Head Custodian position at Enon Elementary School, but we won't know if he gets this promotion for a couple more weeks. We really want this, because it will not only be a little bit of a raise, but will allow him to work first shift. It would be so nice to see my husband every afternoon and evening! Please pray that this is God's will for our family.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. My parents came to church with us, and Marty's mom and sister surprised us by showing up as well. It was truly a blessing! Then we got to spend the afternoon with my parents and siblings and their families which was a lot of fun!
That's about all for now. The weather is so beautiful that I'm going to take Luke for a walk. He absolutely loves being outdoors!