I'm trying really hard to get Luke to bed at the same time each night, but it's not working out. Some evenings he's wide awake and wants to stay up until after 10. Other evenings, he's ready to crash by 8:00.
The night before last, he drank 5 ounces at 6:00 pm, drank 3 more ounces at 8:00, then nursed at 9:00 and again at 10:30. The good thing was that he then slept from 11:00 pm until 8:00 am.
Last night, I gave him a bottle at 7:30 pm, then nursed him and had him in bed by 9:45. But, then he woke up crying at 11:00, and after 15 minutes of not settling down he needed to drink 2 more ounces. Then he was up again at 5:30 am and drank 6 ounces; then it was back to bed until 8:15. Craziness.
He has been taking around 3 naps each day, but they're not consistent. Some days he's up at 6:30 and others he sleeps until 8:00 am. He does get a morning and afternoon nap, but never at the same time, and they range from 30 minutes to about an hour long. He usually has an evening nap, too, which sometimes seems to be the longest nap of all.
I may try Anya's suggestion of putting him to bed much earlier, around 6:30 or 7:00 pm. Most of the time when he dozes off in the early evening, he's up again after about an hour.
I sure do appreciate all your advice and suggestions, though, so please keep them coming!