Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas

Our family was very blessed this year by friends and family. Thanks, everyone, for all the gifts and gift cards!

Sorry we haven't managed to get Christmas cards out since Luke's been born. We're hoping to send photo cards to everyone next year with both kids' pictures to make up for it.

In the meantime, thanks so much to everyone who sent us cards and photos this year; it's so nice to know so many people are thinking of us! We feel so blessed!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Playdate with Alanna

This afternoon, Luke and I went to Anya's house so that Luke could play with Alanna. We recently started setting up weekly playdates, and last time they came to our house; we're trying to alternate each week. The kids play very well together, which is good since they are betrothed. (Inside joke among the Carey Point Group!)

You should see them. They just watch each other a lot, touch each other gently, and keep trying to hand each other toys. It's really cute. I think it's really good for them developmentally to play together since they're only 12 days apart in age. Plus they really enjoy the opportunity to explore a new environment and play with new and different toys.

Luke looks so tiny, though, because Alanna is a full 3" taller than him! Oh well... short parents make for a short child.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Luke's 15 Month Checkup

This morning Luke has his 15 month checkup. He didn't gain much weight: he's only 21 lbs 5 oz. But he grew taller: he's now 30" tall. His head circumference is 45 cm, which means it grew 10 cm since birth!

He's very healthy and everything looked great. He got his last DTaP/HiB booster as well as a flu shot, which was highly recommended. He's been a bit fussy since the shots, but tylenol is helping tremendously.

I know we haven't posted many pictures lately, but since my Mac died we're having trouble downloading the photos to Marty's PC. I miss iPhoto a lot, but we're still hoping to get pics off our camera soon.

Right now, Luke is dancing in the living room. You should see him: he bounces up and down a few times, then does a little shoulder roll while moving side to side, then he slowly spins in circles. It's adorable!

The Stroller Has Arrived!

The stroller was delivered today, and Marty and I discovered it was in a lot of pieces. (Wouldn't it be nice if they had put it together for us and simply collapsed it before shipping?) It really wasn't difficult to put together. It's a little bit heavier than I expected considering it's aluminum, but boy is it nice! There is a huge basket compartment underneath that's double the size of what I have now. The seats come off super easy so I can face Luke in or out. There is a basic frame for the new baby's carseat, so we can put the 2nd seat away until Lexie is almost 1. It handles like a dream; very easy to steer and turn.

Luke even thinks the stoller is cool. I adjusted his seat facing forward, buckled him in and raised his canopy. He liked it so much that he didn't want to get out! He actually cried when I took him out!

It's very well made and should last several years. Thanks again, Pops! We love it!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Luke's 1st Snow & Christmas Tree

Last year, Luke was too little to enjoy either a Christmas tree or the snow. But this year, he just stared out the window babbling away at all the white stuff outside. He seems fascinated!

Yesterday, we went with my parents to their friend's Christmas tree farm just outside Lebanon. (You can hardly beat cutting your own tree for only $25, including a commemorative photo.) My sister bought Luke some snow pants, but they haven't arrived yet; so I put his feet pajamas on under his clothes, coat, hat, mittens and boots. He was so bundled up he could hardly move! When I put him down in the snow, he tried to walk but was unsteady and kept falling. So he'd stand there looking at us all and holding his arms out until one of us would pick him up. He was adorable!

He seemed to enjoy riding on the hay wagon out to pick out our tree. He also liked sucking on the snow ball my mom gave him.

Once we got home, he just stood there in awe watching Marty set up the tree. He'd touch the long pine needles very carefully. He did crawl under the tree and started playing in the water inside the tree stand, but hopefully I can hide it with a tree skirt so he won't be so tempted.

The tree is absolutely huge! We had no idea how big it was until we got it inside our house. (It looked so much smaller out in the field!) I guess it's about 8' tall because it hits the ceiling, and it is so wide that the only place it fit is in our dining room. Even there it fills up half the room! I think that next year we need to measure so the tree will fit in the living room in front of the window. Oh well... it all worked out, and it really is a pretty tree.

We plan to hang the ornaments later today, and I think he'll be okay once we get them on. We showed him 'nice touches' on the tree at my parents' house, and he was very careful with everything. The cats are the ones we have to worry about; they bat the round bulbs all over the house!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pops Got the Stroller!

Marty's dad ordered us the double stroller yesterday for Christmas! How cool is that?!! Thanks, Pops! What a blessing! It was truly a dream gift for me. I'm hoping it will make life with 2 small children that much easier, especially since I plan to do a lot of walking throughout the summer; it's so cool to be having a spring baby!

Pops wanted to make sure that I let everyone know the stroller was taken care of so no one else ordered it as well, and then had to deal with shipping it back.

How about this weather? We're enjoying a good snow and just having quality family time. If it wasn't such a wet snow, I'd take Luke outside. He's never really touched the snow and keeps looking out the window... he seems fascinated. Maybe we'll go outside for just a few minutes. The snow should keep up all afternoon and through the night, so we may really be snowed in!

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Name for Our Baby

Well, Marty and I have tentatively agreed on a name for our little girl. We both like 'Alexis', which is a derivative of Marty's middle name, Alexander. We both really like the sound of it, and it's Greek for 'helper'. Plus, it's not overly common or too popular or trendy. As a nickname, we plan to call her Lexie, which I love! (My little Luke and Lexie!)

We're still working on middle names, but are almost positive her first name will be Lexie.

Any thoughts on middle names? We're always open to suggestions.

A New Baby Registry

My sister said that since I'm having a girl this time, she'd throw me another baby shower. What fun! So Today my mom and I registered at Babies-R-Us. Not only did I add cute little pink items, but I registered for stuff I didn't get with Luke that would've come in handy, as well as items you need with 2 kids.

The big item I added is a Kolcraft Contours Tandem stroller. A family we met at the zoo highly recommended it when you have 2 small children; it’s lightweight, rugged and durable. It's not too ridiculously expensive like some double strollers out there, too. (I was trying not to be selfish, so I’m hoping it can be a Christmas Wish List item, or several people may want to go in together as a shower gift. You never know, right?)

We're getting pretty excited about meeting our little girl!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We've All Been Sick

Sickness has run its course at our house. It all started with Marty getting a horrible case of strep Thanksgiving week. Then Luke ended up with an upper respiratory infection and a touch of bronchitis. He's finally better, but still has a little congestion. I'm just now getting over the worst case of bronchitis I've had in several years. I'm finally starting to feel better, but still dragging a bit. If I can just get over this cough and congestion I will be so grateful!

Please pray for our family's health to continue to improve!