Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lexie's 2 Week Checkup

Lexie is definitely a good eater. She's now up to 8 lbs 6 oz and in the 50th percentile for weight and head circumference. Usually by 2 weeks old, they're happy to see her back up to her birth weight, but she's a whole pound past that! She's only in the 15th percentile for height (19.5" long), but so is her big brother. What can I say? We're all short in our family!

My neck is completely healed now, but I'd like to ask for more prayers for Lexie to sleep more at night. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up, which means I'm only getting my sleep in 1 1/2 - 2 hour increments at night... not nearly enough. I'm feeling quite out of it.

Last night she went to sleep at 11:30 pm, was up from 1 - 1:30, then from 3 - 5, then from 7 - 7:30. Yuck! Talk about being out of it! But I still have my appetite, thank goodness! And the night before she went to bed at the same time, then was up from 3:30 - 4, then from 6:30 - 7. Go figure. Thank God for mom coming over to watch both kids so I could take a nap this morning!

The pediatrician said the days and nights usually get corrected between 2-4 weeks of age. She said not to worry... Lexie will figure it out soon. I long for the first few nights home from the hospital when she slept for 3 - 4 hour stretches at night. That was awesome. We're hanging in there, though. I'm trying to wake her up frequently during the day and feed her every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. Then we're keeping the lights dim and the house quiet at night so she begins to figure out it's time to sleep.

Please pray that the sleep issue will get better quickly. I vaguely remember how rough the first 4 - 5 weeks with Luke were.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Your Prayers are Working!

Thank you to everyone who's been praying for my neck. Here is proof in the power of prayer! It's about 90% back to normal now. I almost have full range of motion again and no more headaches. Thank God! I figure that one more adjustment at the chiropracter on Monday should have me as good as new.

Lexie needs a bit of training on the difference between night and day. She likes to sleep a lot in the afternoons and evenings, then is wide awake for about 2 hours in the middle of the night, usually from about 3-5 am. It's a bit rough on us, but we're hanging in there. I'm still managing to nap each day when both kids happen to be sleeping at the same time, which amazes me that it actually works out. Again, thank God!

Luke got a little toy shopping cart which he thinks is pretty cool. He's been pushing it all over the house. This morning, Luke and Marty went for a walk while Luke pushed his shopping cart with his stuffed monkey sitting inside. He was wearing his baseball cap on his head backward just like daddy. It was a darling image that I will treasure always! They both looked so cute walking down the sidewalk together!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Need Prayer for My Neck

Luke and Lexie are both doing great, but I'm having some problems. Apparently I've been clenching my shoulders while nursing, or simply sitting in a bad position, and now my neck is out. I've already been to the chiropracter, and would really appreciate your prayers for my severe stiff neck and headaches so I can take care of our children without pain.

Can you believe it... Marty and I have TWO children?!!

Lexie is quite the healthy eater... in fact, so much so that I am quite sore! She has gained her weight back since being discharged (was 6 lbs 15 oz) and is now up to 7 lbs 10 oz. She is very wide-eyed and alert throughout the day and seems to enjoy checking out her new world. She especially loves it when we talk to her; she's very focused and listens carefully to every word we say!

So, other than being a bit sleep-deprived and having a stiff neck, we are doing quite well at the Nichols' household. We also appreciate you, your thoughts, help and prayers. We feel so blessed!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Luke Loves His Baby Sister

Here is a great picture Marty took while in the hospital. Luke thinks Lexie is awesome; he keeps pointing at her and grinning and likes to rub her head. (Just click on the photo if you'd like to view and download a high resolution version.)

Friday, April 18, 2008

KMC Baby Gallery

If you haven't had a chance yet, we'd love if you'd sign the online guestbook at the Kettering Medical Center Baby Gallery. Here's the direct link to our precious little girl:
Alexis Grace

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alexis Grace Has Arrived!

She was born April 15 at 5:11 am. 7 lbs, 8 ounces and 19.25 inches. She is very healthy and has great pudgy cheeks!

We are home and doing great! More details later... our impatient girl is ready to eat!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

We'll Be Meeting Lexie Soon

We should be meeting our little Lexie sometime on Tuesday; we head to the hospital tonight at 9:00 pm. I'm getting excited and probably won't be able to get any rest!

We appreciate your continued prayers for a quick and easy delivery with no complications, and that Lexie will be as healthy as she appears from the inside once she's on the outside. Also, please pray that I won't have any of the post-partum depression issues I had with Luke... that I'll be able to get the rest my body needs physically, and that I won't lose my appetite so I'll be able to sustain both Lexie and I. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Found Kid's Stuff...

I just wanted to let everyone know that we no longer need the following items:

- Wooden Portable Crib (I found a used one on Craig's List that we're picking up tomorrow.)
- Boys Summer PJs size 18-24 months (I picked up a bunch at a garage sale and a consignment shop; it turns out that 2T fits Luke best.)
- Outdoor Play Structure with Slide (Some friends are giving us one for Luke; yay!)
- Clothing for Lexie size 0-12 months (We've been blessed with so many adorable clothes, sleepers, gowns, precious pink outfits, and even shoes, tights and headbands!)

Thank you everyone who kept their eye out for us, to everyone who has blessed us with stuff for the kids, and for all the gift cards. We sincerely appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

We're Inducing Monday Night

Well, Lexie is 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long already. We've decided to go ahead and induce, and several factors influenced that decision. At the ultrasound we discovered that the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is on the low side, which isn't dangerous yet, but could become so. Her head is way down there, so she's in position. I don't know how dilated I am at this point; Dr. Banias doesn't usually check this because he said it's no indication of when I might go into labor and would just be very uncomfortable for me.

I was relieved to discover that Lexie's head circumference is 32 cm; Luke's was 35.5 cm, and he got very stuck! Thank you, God, that Lexie has a smaller head!

We head to Kettering Labor & Delivery Monday night at 9:00 pm. This is so I can try to sleep through the early stages of labor before the contractions become stronger. Dr. Banias said Lexie will be born on tax day! (Just like Eli!) In case things move along quickly, Dr. Banias even said he'd much rather be called in to deliver at 4:00 am than at 9:00 pm; he must be a morning person.

Also, my blood pressure was so high today that I was dizzy and light-headed off and on all day. At the doctor's, it was 160 over 90 at first; then after 10 minutes of making me lie down on my left side it was 143 over 80... still much higher than my usual 120 over 70. I also need to keep an eye on the swelling which is getting worse by the day, and I need to try to drink my 8 liters of water each day to keep me and Lexie hydrated.

My hips hurt so bad that I can hardly walk; my right hip pops with every step I take, so Dr. Banias told me to try not to walk as much as possible. All I can do is lie on the couch like a big vegetable! I've also managed to strain my lower back simply due to all the weight I'm carrying out front.

I'm not supposed to pick up Luke at all. Thank God for lots of people around to help with him, because I am absolutely miserable physically. Is there anyone who might be able to help me out with Luke this Friday from 10ish until Marty gets home at 3:00 pm? Or even just until Luke goes in for a nap around noon or 1? I've got all the other days covered until I'm induced.

Being pregnant has certainly been rough on this 41-year-old body!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Trying to Wait Patiently

Just to let you know... now that I'm off work for the next few months, it will be tricky to check email regularly. (It's all I can do to take care of stuff around the house, rest and keep up with Luke.) The best way to reach me these days is definitely by phone.

The weight of my uterus is making me miserable. If I sit too long, my huge belly cuts off the circulation to and from my legs, which makes me lightheaded. If I stand too long, my lower back and hips really hurt. The only position that gives relief is to lie on my side, which is tricky with a toddler running around. Luke has been really good about playing around me and bringing me books to read to him; he's such a sweet boy! And of course, thank God for naps!

Lexie can come anytime now that I'm 37 1/2 weeks along. She's one big, very heavy girl. She is still incredibly active and keeps trying to stick various appendages out my sides! She's especially busy at night when I try to go to sleep. I think she's getting me ready for when I'll need to feed her every 3-4 hours. Just when I get her to settle down and get comfortable, I have to go to the bathroom! Needless to say I'm not sleeping very well at night.

I see the doctor tomorrow, and our last ultrasound will be next Wednesday. They want to see how big she is and whether we'll need to induce. Both doctors say that if it appears she'll be 9-10 pounds, they'll probably want to induce at week 39. Since Lexie was 6 pounds 3 weeks ago, and she'll gain 1/2 - 1 pound a week in her final 6 weeks, we estimate that she's already at least 7 1/2 pounds! (Luke was 7 lbs 1 oz.) I am more than ready to deliver, and I believe she is, too.

Please pray that I'll go into labor on my own and that we'll have a smooth, quick delivery with no complications. I also appreciate prayers for little or no post-partum issues like those I had after Luke was born.

So... I'm simply praying a lot for Lexie, and trying to rest and keep up with Luke. He seems to be getting over his cold, but is dealing with some more teeth coming in. Thank God for my mom stopping by a lot to help me out. She takes Luke for a walk or to the park almost every day. (He loves to go outside and I feel bad I can't take him for walks right now.) Mom's even been doing my laundry so I don't have to go up and down the basement stairs. Thanks mom!